What Psychologists Know About Healthy and Unhealthy Marriages

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Join us this February for a series of free online presentations by experts, exploring the diversity of human experience through the lens of psychology.

Over the past 30 years, extensive research by psychologists has either revealed or confirmed helpful understandings about how marriages can be successful. The main research studies to be drawn upon for this presentation come from my training with Dr John Gottman, (Emeritus)
University of Washington and Drs Sue Johnson and Les Greenberg who started their research at the University of British Columbia. 

Dr Gottman discovered the Four Horsemen that lead to the demise of relationships and Drs Johnson and Greenberg based their findings on attachment research, i.e., how we connect (or don't) to each other in healthy ways. 

This presentation will consider how this research is used in therapy to foster loving connections. In addition, also considered is how mindfulness practice and the brahma Vijaras contribute to a life-long practice to ensure lasting relationships. 

Time permitting, there will be opportunities to answer specific questions related to our marriages. 


Paul Peel is registered both as a Psychologist and as a Marriage and Family Therapist with years of clinic and private practice experience. His practice has also incorporated the meditations / mindfulness activities which can deepen our therapeutic experience.