Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy: Can cultivating a mode of ‘non-doing’ do anything for you?

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Join us this February for a series of free online presentations by experts, exploring the diversity of human experience through the lens of psychology.


If you suffer from depression, bipolar disorder or an anxiety disorder, learn what mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) can do for you. MBCT is a psychological intervention that combines training in mindfulness meditation with techniques of cognitive therapy. Mindfulness meditation, an acceptance based approach, has been shown to be effective in preventing depressive relapse and in treating depression and anxiety. A key focus of mindfulness meditation is the cultivation of an open, receptive mode of awareness of behavioral difficulties and emotional discomfort. This promotes, among other things, the possibility of stepping out of habitual thinking patterns that contribute to depression and anxiety.

The result is a more kind-hearted self-observation and a softening of self-judgment. In this talk, you will learn about the origins of MBCT; what mindfulness is; the reasons for combining training in mindfulness meditation with cognitive therapy to treat mood and anxiety disorders; how to develop a mindfulness practice; and, mindfulness resources.


The presenter's bio

Dr. Mark Lau, PhD, is a Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the University of British Columbia, and a registered psychologist in private practice at the Vancouver CBT Centre.  Dr. Lau has over 25 years experience providing Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) to individuals and groups; conducting MBCT and CBT research; providing leadership in developing models of mental health care delivery including innovative ways of delivering MBCT & CBT; and, providing leadership in training and education including providing MBCT single and multi-day professional trainings across North America, Europe and Australia for mental health professionals.  Mark is also an MBCT teacher trainer/mentor with the UCSD Mindfulness-Based Professional Training Institute and is one of a handful of MBCT trainers who provide the 5-day MBCT Professional Training in North America.  He has provided MBCT & Fostering Resilience workshops to psychiatrists, physicians, UBC internal medicine residents, university research administrators and college staff.  Dr. Lau’s research interests include investigating the mechanisms underlying MBCT’s effectiveness, the development and validation of the Toronto Mindfulness Scale, and evaluating effective methods of disseminating MBCT and CBT.  He is a former Associate Editor of the journal Mindfulness.